Exponential Backoff and Retry Patterns in Mobile
Retry Pattern
This article will describe a simple, easy-to-understand pattern that could be quite useful to add to the designs a sufficient capacity of resilience against error scenarios, transient failures, scenarios of unavailability of service, even unavailable resources.
Although I will describe this design pattern using the application approach in mobile clients, I should note that it is a reasonably versatile pattern that can apply to any component that requires communication with other components or services. For example, in Serverless Architectures or Microservices Architectures and specifically in the integration of Cloud Services, we can find multiple uses and exploits of this pattern. I will say more about this later.
Retry Pattern is essentially a mechanism to react to the communication failure between two elements. These items could well be a software component or a service. Communication failure can be caused by multiple reasons such as overload of the destination service, loss of connectivity between the components, a temporary network failure. It could also not necessarily be communication failures. For example, a result that requires multiple verification attempts could be implemented through this pattern. It could also be implemented to add a certain level of security to applications to prevent attacks.
Best practices in implementation
For Apply this design pattern correctly, the following acceptable practices are recommended.
Apply the pattern on transient faults
As described in context, this pattern is designed to handle communication failure scenarios, but not every communication failure is appropriate to apply this pattern. It is recommended to use the pattern on transient communication failures, that is, temporary failure scenarios reestablished after some time.
For example, some bugs in which should not use the pattern are:
- The failure is caused by a bug in the component or service and prevents establishing communication.
- What internal or fatal error is generated on the server with which you are trying to communicate.
How could you verify what type of communication failure you are dealing with? In elaborate implementations of this pattern, you could add verification of the response and determine whether or not to retry the communication.
Response codes such as NOT_FOUND, INTERNAL, INVALID_ARGUMENT could be used, as shown in the following table.
Use conditions that avoid infinite loops
In each of the pattern implementation strategies, there must be a mechanism that allows to conclude and end the retry; that is, there must be a fixed number of attempts. It is also recommended to be careful not to create infinite cycles when integrating microservices in a serverless architecture style. The best way to prevent this is always to have a maximum retry limit.Use idempotent functions
When this pattern is applied to microservices in an event-driven style through FaaS (Function as a Service), it is advisable to maintain the idempotency property, that is, to maintain the consistency and immutability of a function that serves as a service.Use monitoring tools
Retry pattern implementations could also include monitoring services that allow cross-notification of the restoration of service. That could serve as support to determine in real-time if the retry mechanism should be maintained or suspended, thus making the implementation even more sophisticated.Combine with other design patterns
One design pattern that could combine with the Retry pattern is the Circuit Breaker pattern. In a previous article, I made an introduction to this other design pattern. Through a suitable combination could provide a highly resilient solution to failures or errors.Implementation
For both Android and iOS applications, the implementation of this pattern will be shown with the help of the Rx extensions applying RxJava for Android clients and RxSwift for iOS clients. The recommendations of The Clean Way to Use Rx manual will be used as a reference of good practices so that we have an elegant implementation of this pattern.
Implementation in Android
Design patterns such as exponential backoff and circuit breaker have been useful tools for a long time and are now mostly involved in microservices and serverless architectures. Designs based on cloud services such as Cloud Storage, Cloud IoT, Cloud Functions in GCP, and other AWS services are benefited by applying these patterns.
This article has used a solution-oriented focus in the client layer, specifically on mobile clients. The application of this pattern is not only limited to integrating microservices or external persistence. It extends to local tasks such as checking status or internal libraries' responses, including communication with internal components.
To mention some mobile use cases that come to mind:
- Active or inactive connection events.
- GPS data reader.
- Reading the barcode scanner from the ML Kit sometimes requires several retries to read the code.
- Queries to local persistence mechanisms.
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